





  • The Many Timescales of Context in Language Processing.
    Ryskin, R., & Fang, X.
    Chapter in Psychology of Learning and Motivation.

  • A verb-frame frequency account of constraints on long-distance dependencies in English.
    Liu, Y., Ryskin, R., Futrell, R., & Gibson, E.
    Paper in Cognition.

  • An ERP index of real-time error correction within a noisy-channel framework of human communication.
    Ryskin*, R., Stearns*, L., Bergen, L., Eddy, M., Fedorenko, E., & Gibson, E.
    Paper in Neuropsychologia. [UC Open Access]

  • Linguistic prediction across the lifespan.
    Ryskin, R. & Nicolette-Sanchez, V.
    Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.

  • How People Talk Affects the Implicatures That Others Make.
    Zhang, Z., Bergen, L., Ryskin, R., Paunov, A. & Gibson, E.
    Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP).

  • A Noisy-channel Explanation for Depth-charge Illusions.
    Zhang, Y., Ryskin, R. & Gibson, E.
    Talk presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP).

  • Talker-specific and talker-general learning in speech comprehension.
    Fang, X. & Ryskin, R.
    Poster presented at the California Meetup on Psycholinguistics.

  • Syntactic Rule Frequency as a Measure of Syntactic Complexity: Insights from Primary Progressive Aphasia.
    Rezaii, N., Mahowald, K., Ryskin, R., Dickerson, B. & Gibson, E.
    Short talk presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.

  • English locative inversions are not special in terms of their discourse function.
    Ricciardi, G., Ryskin, R., & Gibson, E.
    Short talk presented at CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.

  • The role of construction frequency in listeners’ noisy-channel inferences.
    Liu, Y., Ryskin, R., Futrell, R., & Gibson, E.
    Talk presented at 45th Penn Linguistic Conference.